Our Supporters

Looking to expand the reach of your business with millennials, Gen Z, and fun-loving city adventurers?

Toronto Fringe has access to an ever-growing community of tech-savvy millennials, Gen Z, adventurous Boomers, and young families. We’re connected with our community on social media (Twitter: 16.2K followers, Facebook: 15k followers, Instagram: 11.1k followers) and on this website (1.5 million annual pageviews). Plus we see a ton of foot traffic each summer at our flagship event, the Toronto Fringe Festival, where we have over 90,000 attendees.

Interested in learning more? Reach out to Lucy McPhee, Development Coordinator, at lucy.mcphee@fringetoronto.com or 416-966-1062 ext. 227

Our Sponsors & Partners

Our grassroots, non-profit organization would not be sustainable without the support of our fantastic and dedicated sponsors and partners.